We have a lot of ideas and solutions both on the «sketchbook» and in alpha versions. What we launch in the future and who we associate with depends on the needs and feedback from our users. Go2B will be developed with our users, entrepreneurs, startups, facilitators, investors and others. Go2b will help close the distance that is often between the various players in entrepreneurship. Our goal is that we, together with our users, will be able to become the world’s best and largest entrepreneurship platform!
It’s all about bringing the right people together. Go2b brings opportunities to your front door. By simply logging in on the platform you can meet the people that can help you achieve your goals. You can get help form hubs and incubators, mentors, investors and various suppliers.
Go2B is a very ambitious venture. It is an initiative where we have had to solve a number of challenges that we saw immediately, and at least as many as appeared along the way. Communicating the various actors in a sensible way with proper approaches and appropriate information flow was a huge task. But after several thousand hours of development put on an already developed infrastructure, we’ve got it. January 2018, Go2B was up and released in first version and July 2018 second version was released.
Go2b is a community for people who want to create, inspire, explore and support. Our mission is to help close the distance that is often between the various players in entrepreneurship. We have built this platform together with our different users and we will continue to hear the needs of our community, we strive to be best place for entrepreneurs, startups, facilitators, investors and others.